Ohio State Podcasting Guide

The Office of Marketing and Communication (OMC) provides a podcasting service for faculty, staff, and researchers at Ohio State. This document is a guide to walk you through the steps to setup and maintain a podcast.

Setting Up Your Podcast

Introductory Meeting

To get started, please reach out to Scarlet Studio to set up an introductory meeting. During the meeting we will cover the process of setting up your podcast on WordPress and Apple Podcasts Connect. We will explain our involvement with your podcast and the services we offer. Once we get you set up, you will have the autonomy to schedule, post, and edit your podcasts on your own. We will be available to answer questions, but this will be your podcast!

Podcasting Pre-Work

Finalizing a podcast title

You must have a title for your podcast. If you need help, this website is a good resource for ideas for a podcast title.  You can also collaborate with the enterprise OMC or your unit’s marketing or communications team for more resources and ideas.

Listed below are a few podcast titles that are hosted by Ohio State:

  • Now at Ohio State
  • Agronomy and Farm Management
  • The Ohio State University Inspire Podcast
  • Project Narrative
  • Manufacturing Tomorrow

Writing a podcast description (2-5 sentences)

The short description gives listeners a basic understanding about the podcast. Think about it like a blurb for a book! Since there are over 3 million podcasts worldwide, the description is what helps to set your podcast apart while listeners are surfing or searching through directories. This website is a helpful resource to assist with an applicable podcast description. We also encourage you to contact your marketing or communications team for help.

Examples of current podcast descriptions hosted by Ohio State include:
  1. On the Now at Ohio State podcast, we talk with researchers, innovators and bold thinkers who look at our world, see what the real challenges are, and create the solutions that people need now. 
  2. The monthly Inspire Podcast asks Ohio State’s Education and Human Ecology experts — and everyday heroes — about the issues that people encounter in life: mental and physical health, inequity, lifelong learning, raising and teaching children. To discover why ... and why not? Because hidden in our dilemmas and most complex problems are exquisite solutions.
  3. Stay on top of what is happening in the field and the farm office. The Agronomoy and Farm Management podcast takes a bi-monthly dive into specific issues that impact agriculture, such as: weather, land value, policies, commodity outlooks, and more.

Finalizing the podcast logo

Before you make your podcast public, you must add a graphic logo for the show. Apple requires that all podcasts have a logo. Here is a Photoshop template that you can use to adhere to our organization’s branding guidelines. You or your graphic design team can add your preferred image to the template for your podcast cover page. Reach out to Scarlet Studio for graphic design services, or reach out to podcast@osu.edu for consultation. 

Podcast Logo Example  The image represents an example of what the podcast logo could look like in Adobe PhotoShop.
Here are a few examples of Ohio State podcast artwork.
20 examples of Ohio State Podcast artwork

Determining the frequency of episode releases (biweekly, monthly, etc)

There are several ways to release your podcast to your audience. You can release your episodes all at once so that everything is available at the launch, or you can schedule your episodes to be released on a regular timeline. Each strategy has its own pros and cons. 

WordPress training

We will schedule a time to connect with a team member from OMC to show you how to navigate WordPress (the web content management system), add/edit posts, and how to analyze podcast metrics.

See page 6 in this guide for more on WordPress. 

First episode’s audio and description

Prepare your audio content to upload into WordPress. The OMC team can walk you through this process during your initial WordPress training or we can schedule a follow-up meeting to show you how to post your first episode. 

Start thinking about the titles and descriptions of your first episodes. This website is a helpful resource for coming up with episode titles.

Content Management System


We use PowerPress (a plugin for WordPress) to host your podcast. Using PowerPress we can distribute your podcast to Apple and other platforms. 

NOTE: We do not have the ability to distribute to Spotify since OSU does not support it. 

Some users prefer to keep their podcast only on WordPress for several reasons (keep private, tag episodes, organize chronologically) but you are welcome to use other audio streaming services that are supported by the university. The primary reason we use WordPress is because it gives you the independence to do what you want with your podcast. For example, if you want to schedule it to release at 6:00am on Mondays, you can do that! Also, any updates that you make to WordPress will automatically be applied to the other podcasting sites associated with it.

Audio Streaming Services

Apple Podcasts

After your episode is posted to WordPress, OMC can add your podcast to Apple Podcasts if you want. You are added as an administrator for your podcast, giving you the ability to view analytics including followers, engaged listeners, top cities, etc. Apple Podcasts is convenient because once your podcast is up and running, you will not have to make any updates manually. All updates are made automatically using the RSS feed from WordPress.

Navigating WordPress

Important Menus in WordPress

Once you log in to WordPress, the navigation sidebar is located on the left. The list below indicates the most common menus items that you will use. Once you get the first few episodes published, you will mostly use Posts and Media. Listed below are the most common uses of each menu items for podcasting. 

Please feel free to explore further settings on your own.
  • Posts – add, edit, sort, and tag posts 
  • Media – interact with existing media files as well as add new files
  • Settings - update information for your podcast including title and tagline, administrator’s email, and graphic logo (follow branding guidelines)

Appearance – choose the theme that you want displayed

How To Post Your First Episode

These are the steps to build your content on WordPress.

1 Upload your file to the media menu in WordPress

  • Suggestions for uploading media files
    • Maximum file size is 100 MB
    • .mp3 are smaller file sizes than a .wav
    • Keep episodes under an hour
    • You can lower the bit rate of the media file. Refer to this bit rate if needed


2 Copy URL

  • Click on the file that you just uploaded. At the bottom of the menu, click the “Copy URL to clipboard” button. You will need to paste this file into a text field after you create your post.

3 Add a Post

  • Click on the Posts menu item and Add New

4 Add Episode Content

  • Add your episode information such as title and description. You will also paste the audio file that you copied from the Media menu into the text field shown.  

5 Verify the file

  • Once your audio file is pasted into the Media URL text field you can press Verify.  You should see the text field turn green and a green check appears.

On this screen you can adjust the episode settings including:

  1. Post visibility
  2. Scheduling your post
  3. Episode artwork
  4. Adding transcripts
  5. Building Tags

Podcast Analytics

Once your podcast is up and running you will be able to analyze metrics from the Web Traffic dashboards and Apple Podcasts. For access to Apple Podcasts, please reach out to podcast@osu.edu. The Web Traffic dashboards are available in Tableau. If you don’t have access to the dashboards, follow these instructions:

How to Get Access to Tableau
  • If you have not previously, take the Institutional Data Policy (IDP) training available from BuckeyeLearn.
  • If you do not have Tableau access, request it through Service Now.
    • Request Type: New Account/Service
    • Tableau Project Name (click on search icon): University Marketing
    • Role: TAB-UNIV-MKT-Analyst
  • If you have additional questions, contact zyabkina.1@osu.edu
Analytics are helpful to determine trends and answer questions such as:
  • Are listeners listening to the entire podcast?
    • The number of listeners (more than 0 seconds played)
    • The number of engaged listeners (played at least 20 minutes or 40% of episode)
  • Which episodes have been the most successful?
    • What is the ideal length of a podcast for my listeners?
    • Are there any titles that have been more successful?
  • How are listeners finding my podcast?
  • What devices are used to access my podcast
    • Desktop vs. mobile vs. tablet?

Screenshot of WordPress analytics

Screenshot of WordPress analytics with statistics and pie chart

Screenshot of Apple Podcasts analytics

Screenshot of Apple Podcasts analytics of graph, statistics, and pie chart with numbers

Other Helpful Tips 

Scheduling Episodes

About 5 podcast episodes are a good number to have complete before you make public depending on the type of podcast that you have. If your podcast has more current events, then you may only want 1-2 podcasts ready. Having your episodes set up ahead of time makes managing your podcast less stressful while it is live. Five is also a good number to release at once so people can go back and listen to older episodes if they want. You can also backdate your episode dates if you want it to appear like your podcast has been established ahead of time.

Recording options

  • Your own device – PC, MacBook, smartphone, audio recorder
  • Studio Spaces
    • Work Studio in Hagerty Hall 171A
    • Work Studio in Stillman Hall 145
    • Recording Studio in Denney Hall 063
  • Zoom – In the settings you have an option to record audio on separate tracks
  • Adobe Podcasts – Allows you to record high-quality remotely

Music Libraries

  • Adobe Stock
  • APM
  • Artlist
  • Premium Beat
  • Universal Production Music
  • Audio hero

Supported Software

Adobe Creative Cloud access is free to all Ohio State community. This suite of desktop and mobile apps gives you the tools to create professional audio and video, photos, and more. A new app, Adobe Podcasts is available specifically for podcasts to record and edit your podcast episodes, including transcripts more easily and efficiently.

Hands-On Consultation Support

The Office of Marketing and Communications is available for any questions or support needed for your podcast at podcast@osu.edu.