SFMC | Email Personalization

Let's start with definitions

1 Personalization strings

Also known as merge fields, these allow you to insert field values for an individual contact into your email. Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) processes each of these strings individually for each contact at the time of send. These strings may be used to include values from system attributes or Data Extension attributes. They can be included within subject lines, preheaders or content areas of the email body.

2 Data Extension attribute personalization strings

Most commonly used personalization string; these are used to pull in field values from the data extension you are sending to. 

Note: If you are sending to more than one data extension, all data extensions used must include the field you are personalizing with. For example, if you are sending to an alumni data extension and a donor extension, both of them must have the Name_Casual_Salutation field included in order for you to use that field for personalization.

3 System data personalization strings

These personalization strings are not dependent on the data fields available in the data extension(s) you plan to send to. These strings will work in any email.

Here are the most commonly used strings:

StringDescriptionExample Output
%%view_email_url%%URL to view the emailhttps://view.t.osu.edu/?qs=393288
%%xtmonth%%Full name of the month when email is sentJanuary
%%xtmonthnumeric%%Current month as a number1
%%xtday%%Current day of the month when the email was sent15
%%xtdayofweek%%Current day of the week when the email was sentMonday
%%xtyear%%Current year when the email was sent (often used for copyright date in email footer)2024
%%xtshortdate%%Current date when the email was sent in short format01/15/2024
%%xtlongdate%%Current date when the email was sent in long formatMonday, January 15, 2024

How do I insert personalized fields into my email?

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