
Acquia Optimize assists web editors with web quality scans. It can find broken links and misspellings, SEO opportunities; monitors uptime and downtime; Use it to search unwanted content language, links, and images.

The Office of Marketing and Communications has purchased an Enterprise version of Acquia Optimize (formerly Monsido) that allows us to scan up to 1 million web pages throughout the ecosystem. With the Enterprise version, we have the ability to set up multiple groups based on colleges or offices and have administrators appointed for each group who can help set up new domains, users, and policies for their specific area.

This is currently a free tool available to Ohio State employees who edit their websites and require a tool to check for Quality Assurance, SEO Opportunities, and can provide some insight in Accessibility concerns. (Please note that Acquia Optimize is not the official accessibility scanning tool of the university and is not used to comprise accessibility reports. For that information you will need to contact the Accessibility Coordinator for your department). An added benefit to the tool is the ability to set up "policies" that can scan your site for unwanted terms, determine whether you have necessary language on your site, or determine if you have placeholder tags in that should be updated.

Already a User?

If you're already a Acquia Optimize user, then you know how helpful it can be in scanning your site, finding those broken links and misspelled words, and giving you helpful hints on improving your SEO and accessibility. The Chrome extension helps you see these issues on a page by page basis and can show you exactly where they are on the given page. If you ever feel like you're just not getting as much as you could out of the tool - you can always request a training.

Acquia Optimize Training

  • Part 1: Introduction to Acquia Optimize (recorded January 27, 2025)
  • Part 2: Managing Website Quality at Ohio State  (recorded February 10, 2025)

Request new website scans

Locate your unit below and contact your Acquia Optimize administrator.  1) Ask to be added as a user and 2) provide the url site that should be scanned. Sites that are currently being scanned are listed with each unit.

Suggested Content Policies

Content policies are managed in Acquia Optimize by individual units and website leads. The Office of Marketing and Communications recommends using content policies to effectively scan for common content issues that affect brand style or user experience.

Other questions?

Do you have additional questions about Acquia Optimize? Feel free to reach out to us to learn more.