Google Marketing Platform

Get actionable insights when you deploy products within the Google Marketing Platform. Google 360 tells you more with analytics dashboards, conversion rate optimization testing for improving your marketing.

As marketers, we want to understand how marketing efforts work within the strategy and, ultimately, whether our strategies drive our desired audience outcomes.

In FY19, the university purchased a suite of Google Marketing Platform products (Analytics 360, Tag Manager 360, Optimize 360). This purchase represents our collective desire to better understand the user experience across all sites at the university, while offering maximum flexibility for site owners to customize measurement for internal evaluation of goals.

All purchased products have been approved through the OCIO risk assessment process.

The Google Marketing Platform (GMP) Organization is a way to manage all GMP products and users associated with the university. This organization covers several Google products (Optimize, Data Studio, Display and Video 360, Search Ad 360 and Surveys) but this site specifically addresses Google Analytics 360, Google Tag Manager 360, Google Optimize 360 and Data Studio.

Onboarding and Access

Marketing Enablement will help you deploy Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your sites, which will deploy Google Analytics 360. As you deploy GTM, you must also deploy OneTrust as a user privacy and cookie management.

To get started with the onboarding process, please complete this short Qualtrics survey at Once you submit the survey there will be a follow up email with additional information for next steps.

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Marketing Enablement will help you deploy GTM on your sites. As you deploy GTM, you must also deploy OneTrust as a user privacy and cookie management.

To get started with the onboarding process, please complete this short Qualtrics survey at Once you submit the survey there will be a follow up email with additional information for next steps.

Google Analytics (GA) and Data Studio (GDS)

Google Analytics (GA), the preferred web analytics platform at Ohio State, can be configured to help marketers track the effectiveness of their work with a few small technical tweaks. Google Data Studio (GDS) is a front end data visualization tool to help you create interactive visualizations of your GA data to share with your team.

To get the most out of GA, explore the user guides developed by the analytics team to learn how to use these reports within Google Analytics to measure performance of your marketing activity in the online space.

The University is currently in the process of implementing the premium version of Google Analytics (Google Analytics 360) which provides access to unsampled data and enhanced reporting capabilities. To take full advantage of the additional capabilities of Analytics 360, installation of the Google Tag Manager Global Container is required. 

Google Optimize 

Google Optimize is a testing and personalization tool for websites that connects directly to Google Analytics. Goole will sunset this testing solution in 2023, so we will be looking for new ways to run campaign and content testing in 2024.