Shared Assets in the Ohio State DAM

Sharing Ohio State assets is the greatest way we can build an efficient treasure trove of digital images for use in marketing the university and the medical center.

How does shared assets work?

Shared Assets is a private collection of Ohio State assets.

  • Assets are contributed by marketing and communications staff around the university.
  • Assets are owned by the units, but shared to the collective with all rights released.
  • Only Ohio State images are in Shared Assets, not other copyrighted material.
  • To get access to the Ohio State Shared Assets collection, units agree to contribute shared assets from their collections.
  • Assets can include photos, videos, B-roll, drone footage, maps, artwork, even portable document formats (PDFs) or  3-dimensional renderings.

How do I join the Shared Assets collective?

To access this collection, units agree to contribute assets.

Units will assign contributors. Contributors take special training to understand how to upload, tag and manage assets. Contributors are usually photographers, videographers or designers who understand how to upload and tag assets for the good of the searching community.

Units will assign basic users, or users who will need to search shared assets for marketing purposes. Search within the DAM becomes more robust, adding more images to what you can see, search and share.

Screenshot of digital asset management shared assets
Shared Assets is a private collection of Ohio State assets.

To learn more, schedule a consultation

If you are curious if a DAM solution is right for you, you can schedule a consultation and demonstration of the Ohio State DAM.

If you have questions regarding the DAM, or need accessibility assistance, send an email to