GMP Quick Start

Get a handle on the key concepts of the Google Marketing Platform at Ohio State.

Key Concepts

Global Container

The Global Container is the overarching Google Tag Manager container at Ohio State. This is utilized across the domain and provides a cohesive and consistent approaching to tracking traffic and key measurements in the user journey.

Digital Milestones

A digital milestone is something we measure using Google Analytics that indicates a user has completed a key action. We have a set of digital milestones for institutional engagement and by audience. Use these to evaluate the efficacy of your marketing initiatives and channels that send users to your website. 

UTM Tags / Link Tagging / URL Tagging

UTM tags are appended to links from marketing activity that send users to our website. We've established a standard tagging protocol to be used by marketers and media suppliers. This ensures we can track and attribute your contribution to audience objectives and goals.

Roll Up Property

The "Roll Up Property" is a section within Google Analytics that contains a view where you can access data about the entire domain and learn how your users traverse the full ecosystem. Everyone who has installed the Global Container on their site has access to this view.

More Configuration Information

For information regarding how we've configured Google Analytics for use at Ohio State, please read our Configuration page.

Introductory Video Resources

Developing for Analytics and GTM

In this session, Bounteous reviews considerations to make when developing websites. This part of the session will be most appropriate for developers. The second half of this session discusses measurement considerations, steps for incorporating new websites in the Ohio State "global" tracking, and ways site owners can include independent tracking. The second half of the session will be most appropriate for site owners.

Google Analytics Basics and Structure

This is an introductory session on getting set up in GA, defining dimensions and metrics, and navigating the interface. Bounteous also focuses on Ohio State's set up. This session is intended for beginner or intermediate Google Analytics users.

Using Google Analytics Day to Day

This session reviews ways to customize your Google Analytics reporting to find specific data and is great for all levels of experience. Bounteous reviews how to work with Data Studio to generate dashboards using templates developed by University Marketing.