Find places in the Ohio State campus map
Ohio State has five campus locations, with more than 250 buildings, covering more than 300 acres. Maps like Google Maps can support search needs, but the Ohio State maps support additional options.
Integrated bus routes and timing can be found on Ohio State Campus Maps
Campus Area Bus Service or CABS runs daily or seasonally, so Ohio State Campus Maps are a great way to locate the bus route, the bus stops, and when the next bus arrives.
Parking garage capacity available to ease parking woes
Find parking at Ohio State with our garage capacity to help you choose parking around the busy time on campus. Parking garages and parking permits are operated by CampusParc in Columbus.
3-D Interactive campus map shows you the lay of the land
Search our campus for specific buildings or places to learn how to get there and what’s inside. Different buildings have hours, amenities and offices.
Driving or walking directions show you the shortest path between two places
Our campuses are walkable, scootable, bikeable. Use Campus maps to show you the cleanest, safest route between point A and Point B.
How often are maps and buildings changing?
We strive to have updated information about our buildings. If you encounter an issue with our maps, please tell us what we can do to fix the situation. (Qualtrics)
Where can I find an index of all the campus buildings?
The building index allows you to find a building by name, abbreviation, or building number. Each link on the building index shows you the location of the building on the map.
Where can I find an index of all the campus buildings?
The building index allows you to find a building by name, abbreviation, or building number. Each link on the building index shows you the location of the building on the map.