Laptop with the OnCampus website pulled up fullscreen

On Campus

Rethinking faculty and staff internal communications

On Campus is one of the university’s most visible vehicles for communicating with faculty and staff, and for sharing Ohio State news, information and resources with more than 60,000 employees.

Last summer, the Office of Marketing and Communications identified an opportunity to refresh and revitalize On Campus, bringing this important internal communications tool further into the digital age via a dedicated website and redesigned email newsletter.

With these changes, including a rebranded affiliation with Ohio State News and a centralized editorial process, more information that aligns with the university’s mission and priorities can be shared. A link to the On Campus website is included in the daily email and on the Ohio State News homepage.

Mobile and desktop screenshot of OnCampus email
Mobile and desktop screenshot of OnCampus email
Mobile and desktop screenshot of OnCampus website
Mobile and desktop screenshot of OnCampus website

The introduction of the website and the redesign of the On Campus email were based on feedback from faculty and staff. In a spring 2023 survey, 90% of respondents said keeping up with university news is important, and On Campus was identified as the No. 1 source for such information. Topics of interest included research, events, benefits, policy updates and safety information.

Ohio State News will continue to seek engagement from the university community and its leaders to ensure On Campus is meeting communications needs. Engagement with both the website and the email has been highly encouraging since they launched on January 7.


Website Statistics

Through March 31, 2024

  • 10,307 unique visitors
  • 8,433 pageviews for “Things to Do” news category page
  • 10% “Top News” page clicks when users land on the homepage
  • #1 Rank “Top News” page ranks #1 on Google for the search term “Ohio State University News” (through March 31, 2024)

Email Statistics

Over the same period in 2023

  • 39.27% Increase in click rate
  • 58.27% Increase in click to open rate
  • 6.68% Increase in click through rate