Katrina Cornish
PhD, FNAI, FAIMBE, FAAAS, Endowed Chair and Ohio Research Scholar, Bioemergent Materials
- Agriculture
- Sustainable, domestic natural rubber production and security
- Circular bioeconomy
- 100% crop consumption for products and fuels
- Bioemergent materials
Dr. Katrina Cornish serves as Endowed Chair and Ohio Research Scholar, Bioemergent Materials, and as Research Director, Program of Excellence in Natural Rubber Alternatives, at The Ohio State University. Cornish is an internationally recognized expert and innovator in alternative natural rubber/latex crops, their latex, solid rubber, and co-product processing and formulation technologies, biodegradable and recyclable rubbers and bioplastics, valorization of wastes, and product and device innovation and development.
She is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences. Her career spanning federal, academic and industrial appointments has resulted in 35 issued or pending patents, many with student and staff coinventors, over 300 published papers, numerous worldwide lectures and a history of considerable public and private funding.
She is the CEO and co-founder of EnergyEne and Cornish Rubber Technologies, and is a cofounder of Edison Agrisciences, Farmed Materials, American Sustainable Rubber, and GUAYSS in Mexico. In 2019, she won a hat-trick of innovator awards: The Ohio State University’s 2018 Innovator of the Year, and 2019 Innovator of the Year for her College and for OSU’s Institute of Materials Research.
Among numerous other awards she won the Ohio Faculty Council’s Commercialization Award (competition among 14 Ohio universities), and Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Bioenvironmental Polymer Society and the Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops. Dr. Cornish holds a BSc (1st class honours) in Biological Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Plant Biology, both from the University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England.